Sunday, February 22, 2015

JANO - Jazzklubb Nordost

Since last autumn, me and a friend have been helping JANO in Täby with live sound on Sundays. Really fun and educational! We help setting up the equipment and then manages the amplified audio, to get the best sound possible to the audience. We have received many credits for the improved sound quality from people in the audience which is super fun!

So far we have been working with the following artists:

Peter Getz & Stockholm Jazz Trio
Meta Roos
Lill-Bength Erixons Kvartett.
Margareta Bengtsson
Peter  Asplund / Martin Sjöstedt Dektett
Mill Street Jazzband
Lisa Lystam Family Band
Jojje Wadenius
Robert Wells Trio (picture)
Jan Lundgren & Hannah Svensson
Joel Svensson B3 Trio

Today it's Sunday, and tonight is another gig.